Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Summer Solstice aka Litha!

     Today is the first day of summer, when the sun enters the  tropic of Cancer, the longest day of the year and a Pagan Holiday. . Other names include mid-summer, St. Johns Day and Gathering Day. For Pagans it is a Lesser Sabbat or quarter day.
      This is a celebration of the sun as the Sun God is reached full power and the Goddess is in full pregnancy as the earth is ready for harvest. Since the year is now waning the Oak King who represents a growing youth and the waxing time of year gives over the reign to the Holly King, who represents the mature man and wanning year. Other deities that can be honored today include Amaterasu,Astarte, Aten, Apollo,Epona,Hestia, Horus, Istar,Juno,Lugh, Minerva, Ra, Sekhmet, Sol and Sulis. This is a short list, basically any Father God, Sun Deity or pregnant Goddess can be recognized during Litha.
     This is a time of fertility, growth, preparing for the harvest and handfastings. You can purify and renew you're spirit, commune with fairies, do divination, dedicate or re-dedicate yourself and celebrate your inner light!

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